
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Last Wednesday of the year


Well for my first Blog, I'm going to look back at the last year so you can get a bit of an idea about my life.

2005 dawned with extreme drunkenness and problems caused by a close friend. This was to be a theme of the year for me.

January saw severe career worries and the loss of a vast amount of money, albeit a temporary loss.

February saw interviews and resignations.

March was a month of consolidation.

April was a month of great change, both career wise and emotionally,

May was full of new beginnings.

June was full of sun and holidays.

July was sporty.

August went quickly and I felt thin.

September was another month of change. This time in terms of houses. Oh and I lost some friends.

October saw the dawn of depression.

November continued it.

December, the cloud lifted and it heralded new beginnings for 2006.

That was a really good exercise. You should all try it! Write a sentence about the trends of each month.

that's all for now. Other than to say that please try and take care around steps and door mats this holiday time. I have a very painful ankle!



At 11:39 am, Blogger Kelly said...

Sorry to hear about the ankle. Very unfortunate.

I am glad that you are looking forward to 2006.


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