
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Going forward...

At lunchtime I was walking to town. It was drizzling (that's a great word) and the sky was grey.

I was thinking about what sort of things I wanted to get out of 2006 and I've isolated two areas:

Firstly, I want to write more letters. This might sound like a weird wish in these times of Email and testing but I don't think I communicate in writing enough. And despite the internet, I still have an awful lot of friends who I don't contact often purely because they aren't online. And this is wrong. So I'm going to try and write a letter a week. Wish me luck.

The other area I want to work on is my cultural life. And this is where this Blog comes in! I'm going to record all areas of culture I am involved with. Books, films, TV, Music and eating out. Maybe even drinking. So if you've got comments on my comments, let me know!


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