
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What the F*ck!

I can't even think about crushes and homophobia today because work has unleashed a whole can of mental whoop ass on La Mould and he is suffering.

There are not enough swearwords in the world...

* * *


...re the crush...

...why the f*ck hasn't he gone to lunch yet? It's like 12.15 and he normally goes at 12. Probably going to the pub again with "Sharron".

D'ya know what? F*ck it. I'm going to eat.


At 11:22 am, Blogger Kelly said...

He waited until you left and then wandered off to lunch with Sharron.

Looks like you have some competition!

At 12:30 pm, Blogger Mouldy said...

Ahhhhhh! But he came and sat with me!


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