There are brighter things to life...
Lunchtime today.
Me, The Crush, Sharron, Marly.
We talked about;
How diffiuclt it is to buy a house.
The Crush, it seems, is quite a political theorist and has a whole manifesto and extended politcal idea. It seems quite a good idea but then he could meticulously describe fascist totalitarianism to me and I would go away thinking "what a good idea!". Or maybe not. Anyway, this particular theory involves taking away state benefits and replacing it with enforced labour. Interesting idea, if a little Right Wing.
Marly advised "NEVER GET MARRIED!". Marly is married. The rest of us are all single. Marly's advice is that the best reason to stay single is that you can always sit at home on the sofa and watch exactly what you want on the television when you are single. This isn't the case when you are married because you have to look after kids and mop the bathroom floor when the flood the bathroom. However, as The Crush so eloquently pointed out, you can't do that when you are single either cos you're always too busy going out trying to get into a relationship. I think life is a Catch 22 situation.
I went to see Sunshine the other night with Jazz. It was a good film but I just don't get Sci-fi! Someone has sat down and come up with the idea that the world is frozen and the only way of saving it is to send a spaceship filled with 8 stupidly good looking people who are supposed to be physicists and astronauts, to the Sun to restart it. It was quite beautiful and had some exciting parts but it was so claustrophobic. One spaceship. They can't even nip outsie for a bit of fresh air. No, I'm afraid you can keep your science fiction. I mean - Stars Wars, what a load of crap.
Labels: Film
Hmm, I am not going to start but would just like to say that although I do not like Westerns I do not go around calling The Unforgiven crap. Star Wars was not crap, just not to your liking.
Some of us, even though single, still have to mop the bathroom floor from time to time. Now there's a revelation for you, scum-dweller!
I actually quite like Star Wars. I was being provocative.
I DO NOT LIVE IN SCUM! As you well know.
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