Monday Feast
I stole this from the Fairy, who stole it from someone else.
List ten things you want to say to people you know but you never will, for whatever reason. Don't say who they are. Use each person only once:
1. You are a good influence on me and what you say makes a lot of sense. I know you think you are looking out for our best interests but the advice you have been giving is wrong.
2. I hate the way I feel about you as much as you do because I know you're not worthy of it. You've treated me incredibly badly and then acted like its my fault.
3. I know I sometimes treat you without consideration. Remember that you are always important to me.
4. Its not a matter of meeting the right girl and its not up for negotiation.
5. Don't waste your youth and wake up when you're 40 and think, "I wish I'd made the most of my 20s!"
6. Every time I see you I am struck by how much you would get out of life if you REALLY put yourself first. Leave that place where you live and make the most of the connections you have elsewhere to make a positive new life for yourself.
7. I have so much admiration for the way you have built a brilliant life for yourself whilst still being the same person you were when I met you.
8. You're not a rubbish friend. The reason why you find certain friendships so difficult is because you pick the wrong people.
9. Gosh you're dull.
10. I don't know why but I feel really chuffed that you're in my life. There are several reasons why we shouldn't get on but we just do. Its cool.
And because my Blog was DOWN on Friday here are my feast choice things;
What job would you definitely not want to have?
I wouldn't really want to be a Customer Care Co-ordinator for a Diagnostics Firm. I think it would be really boring and tedious.
Oprah calls and wants you to appear on her show. What would that day's show be about?
Gayness I guess. It seems to be what most people associate with me. Knowing my luck, it would probably be about having to tell you're family you're actually straight after coming out about being gay.
Name 3 vegetables that you eat on a regular basis.
Spinach, Broccili, potatos. Living with vegatarians means I eat all sorts.
Main Course
If you were commissioned to rename your hometown, what would you call it?
Shithole - its accurate. (Talking about the town where I grew up there - not where I live now)
If you had a personal assistant, what kind of tasks would you have them to do?
Vacuuming - I hate it. And throwing things away which I seem physically incapable of doing.
Junior shot Tony in the first episode and the 2nd episode is pretty much all Tony in a coma (with him having some weird dreams).
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