
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Where did summer go?

Inspired by Leonie and because I can't be bothered with paragraphs today (the weather is SO oppressive) here is a list of what is happening in Lewes today;

1) I never leave this small town on the South Downs. Never. I walk 100 yards to work. I walk hundred yards back. The shops, the gym, the park, everything is 100 yards away. When I get off the train/bus in Brighton tomorrow I am not going to know how to cope. I will be like an old person driving in London.

2) There is intrigue at work. It relates to a job and we do not know who has got it and who hasn't. I am curious but not in a I-want-to-find-out-everything-now way. More in a I'll-be-quite-interested-if-someone-wants-to-tell-me way.

3) I am on my own at the moment. All the other four are on holiday or on lunch. This isn't bad though because I can appreciate being me. I can swim in Lake Mould for a bit.

4) Never watch Rumour Has It (starring Jennifer Anniston and Kevin Costner). Its rubbish.

5) My travelling friends have gone quiet. This could mean they are in an isolated location (are there any left?) or it could mean they have been sold in the white slave trade. I'm sure this happens all the time.

6) I am returning to Line Dancing this week. I have been off for three weeks and likely to get some "where've you been?" type comments. I hope they don't know where I've been - it would ruin my reputation.

7) The weigh-in last night went well. I have now lost 3 of the 5 lbs I have put on since startig this health kick.

8) Pride on Saturday. My first one (that's rubbish for a gay in Brighton and I should be ashamed of myself).

9) I am struck, writing this by how bored (and boring) I am. Whatever, though, its just an uneventful week. (That might be tempting fate a little considering its only Thursday.

10) All this has been in practice for the "FRIDAY OF NOTING THE MUNDANE" tomorrow. Keep an eye on mine and Monkey's Blogs for more details and updates.


At 1:38 pm, Blogger Kelly said...

Pap. I was going to the do noting of the mundane. I could do it tomorrow but it would only be half finished until I got to a computer. Hmm, let me think about that one. Ah ha! A plan I will start at 3pm this afternoon and go through to 3pm tomorrow.

Oh and number 2. I don't know so I can't tell you anything. It is driving me insane.


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