
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mouldy's Weight-loss plan

Everyone I speak to at the moment seems to be obsessed with diet, exercise and health generally. Maybe because of this heat we all feel much fatter and unhealthier.

I certainly feel fat and unhealthy, but then I have done for the last 10 years. A recent visit to the Dr has put it in perspective. If I carry on at my current weight I have a 80% chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes in later life. This is not good and there is something really definite I can do about it now; lose weight.

Now, I've been visiting the gym regularly for 2 years now. The problem is that I eat like a horse, therby negating the exercise I do. So I have taken a two pronged approach of; cutting the crap and doing more efficient exercise. And because we all respond well to motivation, with the help of my housemates (Jnr and Ho), I have developed some targets.

The first is the Brighton 10K in November. This will be an almighty achievment if I complete is as I have never been fit and doubt I could run it now. But both housemates and Dover (another car-mad mate) are also doing it (as is my brother, Big John) which should make motivation easier. I have three target times, one realistic and the other two, not so much:
1) Run all the way and in under an hour.
2) Beat Dover - he's unfit but weighs much much less than me. He's also competitve.
3) Beat the time Rat did it in last year (46 mins). This is hopelessly unrealistic but the satisfaction I would get would be amazing. He'd be appalled.

The second is a weight loss chart, a kind of Name and Shame thing, where each housemate has a target weight loss for the weight (at times, this can be dispiriting, as they both weigh about 10stone) and we publicise the results (so far I have gained 5lbs in 3 weeks).

So my target weight is 13 stone. I am currently 15 stones and 11lbs.

Today is weigh in day. Stay tuned for the results. I hope to see a difference this week. I need something positive to encourage me.

So, I'm turning this blog into a Health Blog. Any tips and advise and shared stories are all appreciated. That isn't to say that it is all going to be about my fitness quest. There will still be the usual banal stuff about other things. So do not fret!

The motivation (boy, am I over-using that word), for this came from Leonie who wants diet tips. Well, in that I am putting on weight and not losing it, at all, in any way, I'm not going to offer any. But I hope to be able to soon.

* * *
I watched Bombon el Perro last night. Marvellous. Uplifting. And I can't tell you my other feelings about it because it would ruin the ending for you and I am not that type of boy.


At 1:44 pm, Blogger Kelly said...

Well I will go to yoga with you next week.

I think you know where the problem lies now and you just need to change your habits.

At 1:52 pm, Blogger Mouldy said...

Yes it lies in the area of being a fat, greedy, lazy b*stard!

Yoga helps!

At 4:27 pm, Blogger LĂ©onie said...

My Mum's a nutritionist. I know more about diets than I could ever want to, but somehow it's tricky to actually put anything into action.

I like your naming and shaming idea, it's good motivation.

Good luck!


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