
Friday, August 04, 2006


So today I am posting those little mundane things that normally aren't worth mentioning. See also Monkey and Fairy for more.


Woke up at 8 today. Alarm was set for 6.45. That's one and a quarter hours of snoozing. That must be some sort of record. Does it count as a lie in?

My dream was about a big storm that approached a house by the sea where I was sleeping in an enormous bed. During the storm there was a HUGE wave that crashed in. But nothing happened. There was no damage. I've just looked it up and dreaming about waves signifies sexuality on the one hand and tidal waves means strong emotions. So there you go.

The milk was off. I put it on my bran flakes, left it to soak and then tried to eat it. But it was minging so I had a salad sandwich instead.

No TV this morning and I enjoyed it. I listened to the CD that was in the stereo and pondered things. The things I pondered were;
- whether Snow Patrol are gay. I decided that they are not but the first song on the album is sung by a boy to another boy.
- The sky.
- Where my housemate, Jnr was. His bike was outside but there was no sign of him. I concluded he was having a lie in.

Jnr got up at 8.30. He was having a lie in. I told him about this feature. He told me that I shouldn't find writing mundane things too difficult as it is what I do all the time. What does he want? War and Peace in Blog form?

There is a new weather person on Breakfast. He is called Matt and is camp and welsh.


At 10:33 am, Blogger Kelly said...

I am posting mine all in one go later today. I think it might be a lomg post!


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