
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Positive Self Image

Mother's Message

When I was growing up, one of the pearls of wisdom that my Mum used to dish out on a regular basis was "See yourself as others see you!". That is to say "You're an arrogant little monkey so wake up and realise its not all about you!" Good advice for us all there!

But getting back to the basic message, its quite interesting to try and imagine what other people think about you - not to live your life by it, but just to bear it in mind.

What made me think of this was a sobre viewing of Withnail and I on Sunday. Jnr and Rat have said in the past that I bear a similarity to Uncle Monty. Perhaps they are referring to his intersting use of the English Language, perhaps his amusing eccentricity but most likely to the fact that he is a fat, old and lecherous homosexual. I'm none of those things but its good to remember that sometimes I can be perceived as this.

Then Jnr turned up (he'd been missing for a while) with a Birthday card that his girlfriend had made for his brother. I wont go into details about what was depicted because it would bore you more than this drivel normally does, but sufficed to say I wasn't happy with the image it portrayed. Again, I came out looking rather sad, slightly deranged.

Then I thought about the incident at work from Negative people (see previous post) who said I was a moaner and I thought "realiseing the way people view you and not liking it, helps me change" Hoorray!

Just thought I'd share.

Life is a Cabaret

Check out the Paul today on Cabaret. He's a mighty fine writer but BOY! does he not like Musicals. And to read him you wouldn't think he grew up in Northern Suburbia.


Arsenal are playing now so I'm going to make this short. On Saturday I'm doing my second preparation event for the Brighton 10K in November. Its a 4K race, again in East Sussex. Wish me look.


At 2:41 pm, Blogger Kelly said...

Good look?

Yay you! Keep on running!


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