Contemplating the future
It has been a while but now I am back and I predict a golden age of blogging in Thoughts of Mouldy over the next 10 days. Watch this space. I'm also planning an alternative blog which has a more philosophical nature. So again which this space for details.
But as for the past;
Last week was filled with free fun:
Monday - a free tour of Harveys Brewery in Lewes. It plays an important part in the town's local culture, does Harveys, and so it was great to get inside and get a feel for what actually goes on. And brewing beer can be interesting, who knew? I think what made the tour so much fun was the enthusiasm of the guide. It must be great to have a job that you can really put your heart and soul into.
Tuesday - Down to the Corn Exchange in Brighton for a free comedy night called Comedy Blue. Now, I didn't really twig at first that Blue in a comedy sense meant filthy ("Bit of blue for't Dads") and so just expected some nice comedy. But they tried to be as shocking as they could and no word was off limits. Actually, they couldn't say m*ther fucker but I didn't mind that so much. It was good but I realised that I am very hard to shock and that I don't find homphobia funny. But then I've heard it said many times that gay people have a great sense of humour except when it comes to their own sexuality. Anyway, this was a really good night and the weirdest thing is that it will be on TV. So if you have the Paramount Comedy channel, keep your eyes peeled for me.
Wednesday; A highlight in the already fabulous week. Imogen Heap at the Dome with the Fairy. Now I knew that I liked the songs I'd heard but I didn't know all her work and it was really really good. It was pure talent mixed in with some real innovation. Brilliant. Makes me want to see more and more gigs.
By Thursday I was exhausted.
There is a downside. My McJob is proving more and more frustrating. I think it has come down to a simple decision; tow the line or get out. What will I do? Suggestions welcome!
We did have a lot of fun last week didn't we. You company was greatly appreciated on all days.
The work thing.
Do you think I am a jobsworth?
Would you think that it is fair to say that you only speak your truth and not that of others?
Do you really think that you are being marginalised - you had an issue, you made your point and things have changed because of it. I see this as success.
At the least you have not given it chance to succeed - you are proclaiming it a failure without giving it fair chance.
See it as a victory - you won this round and if other people do not stick to that agreement you have a right to make their failure known.
Glad you enjoyed the Imogen Heap gig - she's fab isn't she?
See, now you changed that last bit my comment doesn't make as much sense!
Do you really feel like that? Why is it so hard to 'tow the line' as you say. Is the line that bad?
Its because I have a very clear vision of how good things could be with effective management and I think I have proved it. Towing the line means glossing over the bad bits and not trying to eradicate or improve them.
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