
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Lessons in Life

Number 1; Don't blog when drunk.


So tonight I have bitten a bullet.

I'm not a vindictive person and I am the last person to hold a grudge. But its becoming more and more apparent to me that people screw you over in life. And how do you react when someone wrongs you? Well you either let it form a chip on your shoulder, you forgive and let them walk all over you and do it again, or you forget - pretend they don't exist. And sometimes you combine the three.

Well tonight I reached that forgetting stage with my only ever real grudge. This particular person wronged me many times, offended me, upset me and those around me in an unforgiveble way and I havn't seen her for 11 months until tonight.

I was so nervouse when I walked into the pub. My hands were shaking and I didn't know where to look which shows me I don't do this sort of thing easily. My instinct was to guffaw and ask her how she was but instead I politely ignored her. And I think it worked. I couldn't stay long but I got through it.

And now I'm just a little proud of myself.


Tomorrow the Becster is coming to visit. And who knows what will happen. She is keen to try Line Dancing which is great and I have some friends I want her to meet. But other than that Brighton and Hove is our oyster. And who knows what will happen?


At 8:10 am, Blogger Kelly said...

It didn't show!

You think you had it bad? I walked into the pub with G#2 and the only other person in there was a guy called Mark who I had a dalliance with the summer Ali and I broke up - 5 years ago. Not seen him in a long time and totally couldn't bring myself to acknowledge him. I don't think I have ever told G#2 and he is quite a lot older than me.

I was totally freaked out.

At 10:52 pm, Blogger Mummy said...

Good on you ... peop are shitheads. And while it does u no good to harbour a grudge, sometimes blanking peop and ensuring they are out of ur life is the most important thing. Yay mouldy


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