Feasting Fasting
On average, approximately how many times per day do you yawn?
On average, 3 or 4 in the evening before bed. If I have any sort of training this is likely to be significantly higher! Also, there's that tired drunk thing where you yawn all the time but don't feel tired. Weird.
What was your most memorable school field trip?
France. I was obsessed with this girl (completely besotted by her) so I asked her out and she said no. So I asked her best mate out. Didn't go down too well. Also, I was sharing a room with the guy I ended up having "relations" with.
Fill in the blank: I was extremely ANGRY ABOUT WORK this week.
Main Course
Which colour do you think of when you hear the word "soothing"?
What is something that, if you had to, you could save up the money to buy within one month?
An IPOD. I really want one.