
Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Pasta and Cheese

Today's cheese related subject is;

Cheese and pasta.

Now, yesterday I started a "Change in lifestyle" which involves eating quite healthily and exercising a bit. The idea is that I continue living how I have been living but gradually make changes and by the end of the year I'm thinner and, more importantly, healthier. So I made a big old pasta dish with quorn and served it up with pasta shells (I've forgotten what they are called) and looked at the plate of food in front of me and thought "there's something missing!"
Then my house mate, lets call him JLP, came in and said "this looks good Mould! It would look even better with a load of grated cheese on it!" And then it occurred to me. The cheese was missing.

So here is the question; is pasta without grated cheese like roast beef without horseradish, like roast lamb without mint sauce, like a ham sandwich without mustard? Is cheese an essential part of a pasta dish?

In non-cheese news;

My mobile phone network isn't supplying me with coverage today. Think of all the people who have been trying to contact me who are panicking now because I am unable to receive their calls/texts.

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Month of Cheese is nigh

I would like to proclaim that I am dedicating February to Cheese.

I want to hear all your comments on cheese and I want to find out lots of facts about cheese.

For example, did you know that grilled stilton and wet Labrador smell almost exactly the same.

So the first question is this? What's your favorite cheese?

Please leave your answers and spread the cheesy word.

I'll reveal mine tomorrow.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Feeding Time

This came from Kelly;

Choose one: Popcorn, Pizza, Pretzels, Peanuts, or Pasta.


Describe your personality in terms of a particular vehicle.

A Van. A reliable one. Cos I'm big and honest with a lot of room inside. That question could get quite rude if you weren't careful.

If you won a shopping spree, from which store would you want it to be?

This is a little pretentious but I love Selfridges in London. Especially the book department.

Main Course
Which television show re-runs do you enjoy watching?
Friends - Esp series 5. And I could watch Frasier for ever.

If you could look into the future, how far down the road would you like to see? 10 years? 100 years? A million?
10 years without question. I'd love it. Just for a second. And not neccessarily to see what happens to me but what happens to those closest to me.

That was fun!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Here are some short statements for you to take heed of;

- Cats are evil.

- Dogs are not.

- Anyone about to embark on a romance should be aware that tomorrow lunchtime is a very good time to do it.

- Unrequited love is tough but it can be fun.

- London is a very big and scary place but we shouldn't let it worry us.


Monday, January 16, 2006

Good intentions...

Half a month of the year gone and already its taken a turn for the worse.

If the weather stays like this then there is no hope.

January is bleak. I know why people get so depressed now.

If you're reading this send me messages to inspire me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tell me the truth about...

Day 5 of the New Year. And what have we learnt? What have I learnt?

Well not a lot.

I watched my first movie of the new year last night. It was called I heart Huckabees and it was weird but wonderful. Watch it and tell me what you think!

One of the points I felt the film made was that we are not aware enough of the world around us.

Apart from that the day is uneventful.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Going forward...

At lunchtime I was walking to town. It was drizzling (that's a great word) and the sky was grey.

I was thinking about what sort of things I wanted to get out of 2006 and I've isolated two areas:

Firstly, I want to write more letters. This might sound like a weird wish in these times of Email and testing but I don't think I communicate in writing enough. And despite the internet, I still have an awful lot of friends who I don't contact often purely because they aren't online. And this is wrong. So I'm going to try and write a letter a week. Wish me luck.

The other area I want to work on is my cultural life. And this is where this Blog comes in! I'm going to record all areas of culture I am involved with. Books, films, TV, Music and eating out. Maybe even drinking. So if you've got comments on my comments, let me know!


Some people are ill today.

Some people have banged their head.

Some people have sinus issues.

Some people have toothache.

The one thing that everyone has is MISERY AT BEING BACK AT BLOODY WORK!

In other news, Arsenal Football club drew nil-nil AGAIN last night. Supporting them is proving difficult at the moment.

I am trying very hard to get into cooking this year!

I finished Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit and it was excellent.

Now I read that both the Best Novel Award Winner and the Best First Novel Winner at the Whitbread Awards are graduates of the University of East Anglia. So I am in good company.

Anyway, there are some outpourings for January 4th. Can you believe this year is going so quickly!?