
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Och Ayeeeeeeeeee

I would like to meet the person who doesn't find Edinburgh in August a really fun place to be. Actually, I wouldn't like to meet them because they would most likely be a social misfit and a bit miserable. Suffised (how DO you spell that?) to say, it's a great place to be.

In case you don't know, August is festival time in Edinburgh and you can see just about any type of theatre, dance, comedy, drama, music that you want. There's loads of street theatre and free previews on the Royal Mile and the atmosphere is fantastic. I cannot wax lyrical about it enough.

We saw 3 comics and a play; Sarah Kendall, Demitri Martin, Simon Amstell and the play was Radio.

Becca and I made a photo story. Check it out.

(Sorry this is short. I've been told my portrayal of V was dull so I am keeping it short and sweet from now on.)

Friday, August 25, 2006

Mould at V!

What a time I have had over the last week! So here are the details;

We went to the V festival last Friday. There was Me, Jnr, JLP and Respected Local Businessman (RLB). In an attempt to beat the crowds and get a decent camping spot, we set off at the crack of dawn and arrived at Chelmsford at 10.30 which was exactly the moment that JLP noticed that the campsite didn't open until 12! So we sat with our bags at the entrance and watched the big grey clouds roll over, wondering if we might have to camp in The Somme again like last year.

Due to increased security, the 6 security people on the entrance searched every bag of every person going through, so despite the fact that we were very close to the front of the queue it still took an age to make it into the campsite. We needn't have worried though because soon we had our tents up and were tucking into our beer whilst RLB cooked bacon and eggs (for himself).

All went well for the rest of the day whilst we got slowly drunk (some more that others) and waited for the fun to start on the Saturday. Some nice ladies camped next to us and they had been to T int he Park recently which they mentioned at every opportunity ("At T in the Park there was a whole village of things to do on the Friday!"). But they were amusing.

When we woke up on Saturday we discovered that we had been robbed. Our cool box with the remaining eggs and bacon and loads of beer in had dissapeared from outside our tent. We told the ladies next door who said "THAT didn't happen at T in the Park!". Then we noticed that some human-being had taken a dump at the fence next to our tents. How disgusting! No one did that either at T in the Park apparently.

Then came the music. All good fun. But not as good a line up as last year (or T in the Park, come to that). I enjoyed Orson and Girls Aloud and Radiohead were a bit too weird for me but it was funny watching JLP and RLB piss off the "real" fans by singing a song called "What the fucking hell is this?" every time they played a song we didn't know.

We went back to the tent to find that it had been robbed. Every bag had been looked in but they only took Jnr's phone. What a nasty thing to happen!

Sunday was better. Highlights were Morrissey, The Beautiful South and the Sugarbabes but I also liked Starsailor and Rufus Wainwright. (It occurs to me that my musical tastes is very commercial. I am not proud of this but I won't deny it either.)

So V was really good. Even the appalling traffic on the way home couldn't ruin it.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here is why I won't be blogging for a while

I am going to;

Edinburgh Festival
A 5K Fun Run in East Sussex.

Take great care.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Dear Reader,

I am back after a week of the following;

1) Manic busyness caused mainly buy staff shortages and poor computer systems.
2) Illness
3) Travel plans.

I have learnt;
1) I may only get ill once or twice a year but its fucking painful when I do.
2) My boss has cold blood.
3) A weekend of doing literally nothing (due to illness) can be very relaxing.

I have contemplated all sorts of things for this blog in the last week. But I am decideing to take an aversion to anything of consequence (much like the BBC does).

So don't watch this space - go an watch Channel 4 News.

And give me Edinburgh tips that don't involve the Mighty Boosh!


Big Mould

PS, Without wishing to sound bitter. What on earth is so fooking good about South East Asia? EH?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


My housemate read this last night. He says its boring.

He has found another blog by someone called Mouldy which is much more interesting than mine.

See what you think.

Friday, August 04, 2006

There's more

I am alone again.

We had to shut the blinds earlier. The dark was eerie.

H has been giving me the details of her current menstual cycle. I do not wish to know but that hasn't stopped her. No one has ever been this frank with me before. It is unsettling.

Someone sent a forward around;
-It had these comedy metaphors in;
-He was as tall as a six-foot-three-inch tree.
Long separated by cruel fate, the star-crossed lovers raced across the grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left York at 6:36 p.m. travelling at 55 mph, the other from Peterborough at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.
-John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met.

I laughed at this.

Not going to plan

Today hasn't really been filled with mundane things so far. Typical isn't it.

The lady who works in the canteen gave me a packet of smarties. But they were minging with bits all over them. I am now unsure if she is trying poison me.

I left my phone at home again. That is all very well but it is Ellie's birthday today and I should text her.

We are busy.


So today I am posting those little mundane things that normally aren't worth mentioning. See also Monkey and Fairy for more.


Woke up at 8 today. Alarm was set for 6.45. That's one and a quarter hours of snoozing. That must be some sort of record. Does it count as a lie in?

My dream was about a big storm that approached a house by the sea where I was sleeping in an enormous bed. During the storm there was a HUGE wave that crashed in. But nothing happened. There was no damage. I've just looked it up and dreaming about waves signifies sexuality on the one hand and tidal waves means strong emotions. So there you go.

The milk was off. I put it on my bran flakes, left it to soak and then tried to eat it. But it was minging so I had a salad sandwich instead.

No TV this morning and I enjoyed it. I listened to the CD that was in the stereo and pondered things. The things I pondered were;
- whether Snow Patrol are gay. I decided that they are not but the first song on the album is sung by a boy to another boy.
- The sky.
- Where my housemate, Jnr was. His bike was outside but there was no sign of him. I concluded he was having a lie in.

Jnr got up at 8.30. He was having a lie in. I told him about this feature. He told me that I shouldn't find writing mundane things too difficult as it is what I do all the time. What does he want? War and Peace in Blog form?

There is a new weather person on Breakfast. He is called Matt and is camp and welsh.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Where did summer go?

Inspired by Leonie and because I can't be bothered with paragraphs today (the weather is SO oppressive) here is a list of what is happening in Lewes today;

1) I never leave this small town on the South Downs. Never. I walk 100 yards to work. I walk hundred yards back. The shops, the gym, the park, everything is 100 yards away. When I get off the train/bus in Brighton tomorrow I am not going to know how to cope. I will be like an old person driving in London.

2) There is intrigue at work. It relates to a job and we do not know who has got it and who hasn't. I am curious but not in a I-want-to-find-out-everything-now way. More in a I'll-be-quite-interested-if-someone-wants-to-tell-me way.

3) I am on my own at the moment. All the other four are on holiday or on lunch. This isn't bad though because I can appreciate being me. I can swim in Lake Mould for a bit.

4) Never watch Rumour Has It (starring Jennifer Anniston and Kevin Costner). Its rubbish.

5) My travelling friends have gone quiet. This could mean they are in an isolated location (are there any left?) or it could mean they have been sold in the white slave trade. I'm sure this happens all the time.

6) I am returning to Line Dancing this week. I have been off for three weeks and likely to get some "where've you been?" type comments. I hope they don't know where I've been - it would ruin my reputation.

7) The weigh-in last night went well. I have now lost 3 of the 5 lbs I have put on since startig this health kick.

8) Pride on Saturday. My first one (that's rubbish for a gay in Brighton and I should be ashamed of myself).

9) I am struck, writing this by how bored (and boring) I am. Whatever, though, its just an uneventful week. (That might be tempting fate a little considering its only Thursday.

10) All this has been in practice for the "FRIDAY OF NOTING THE MUNDANE" tomorrow. Keep an eye on mine and Monkey's Blogs for more details and updates.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mouldy and meaning

Monkey wants an explanation of my blogging name.

First, I need you to see mould that grows on bread/shower curtains etc and myself as two entirely different things. I do not grow on old things. I do not smell (not like mould anyway) and I am not caused by dampness.

The name derives from several things;
1) My initials are M O and my nickname at one point (just before the birth of Mouldy) was Mo
2) I had a skin problem on my leg which I thought was shingles and made a huge deal out of. This turned out to be ceriosis(?), caused by stress and became known as my mould.
3) I then developed excema around the eye and this also way known as my Mould.

The author of these nicknames was a close friend of mine (who's not around anymore, he's not dead, he's travelling) and his name is Rat.

So in conclusion, Mouldy isn't a nice nickname but I have become quite fond of it. But sometimes, when I get introduced to people it can lead to them getting a bad impression of me. I should be introduced as Matt really. That is my real name after all.

All clear now?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

By Ek!

Check out this chat on't Bbc Site.

Should make us exiled Yorkshire people laugh.

And on the same subject; someone was at a pub in Brighton and over heard the following whilst stood at the bar.

"There are three types of men in this world: Yorkshiremen, those aspiring to BE Yorkshiremen and those with no ambition!"

How true.


It's a well known fact in this job that Tuesday is the worst day of the week. Its always either deadly quiet or manicly busy and all my colleagues are always more that a little tetchy. Well, today I am a caged lion likely to bite the head off anyone who approaches me. I've already had altracations with too colleagues (one who deserved it, one wo didn't) and there is likely to be more by the end of the day.

Some people are just idiots.

Something that Monkey said has given me an idea. So try this;

One day soon (nominate the day yourself) when you get up, grab a little notpad and write down everything that happens that day. I don't mean just the major stuff like an itinery or the work stuff but the little weird things that happen that you would never normally comment on.

Go on! Try it and leave the Link in my comments.

Lets celebrate the mundane!