So I am sitting here, on a Tuesday, and it's sunny and I have some banging Country and Western (Garth Brooks) playing in't background and I am thinking what I'm gonna write in my Blog tonight and I get drawn to
Paul's Blog. And hell I'm INSPIRED!
Now me a Paul are as different as...well...we're as different as Cheese and a different type of cheese. He's a hard cheese and I'm brie. Same hometown, similar family background, similar education, similar subjects taken, similar friends and, if I may dare to say it, similar politics these days. But hell, there are differences a plenty. Straight and not-so-straight, north and south, yankophile and anglophile etc, you get t'picture.
But say what you like about our differences, I'd like to think there is a mutual respect there. I once had a friend who was such a communist that she shocked most people and yet she was so fixed in her opinions that I respected her despite disagreeing with her strongly. Its like you have this inbuilt reverence for anyone who exhibits those strong opinions that are so different from your own. And thats a bit like me and Paul. I respects him! (OK I'm over using that word now but I ain't got no thesaurus with me right now).
What Paul teaches us is, "Fuck it! You go right ahead and like what you like and I'll find you interesting anyway!" And we should all be a bit more like that!
I bet when you all read that I'm here listening to my Country music you think "What a load of redneck sh*te!" Is that true? Is it?
If it is you havn't really thought about it enough. HA!
Big John, my brother, gave me a pearl of wisdom tonight. On hearing that I had suffered a massive hang over on Sunday, he said "Remember, Mould, it only gets worse as you get older!" Reason enought to stop drinking! And yet...
So I've started proper training for the Brighton 10K in Novemeber. Jnr took me out for a run and it felt GOOD! Yes, it was only half the distance and I am at least 2 stone too heavy but I got a taste for it! Watch this space. And come and support me on the day!
I was calmly working (ok, that never happens but you know what I mean - I was ticking over at work) today, when I gets an email from one of my oldest and best friends. Lets call him Wigger! Even though he lives in the East these days its great to know that he's exactly the same as he always was. It makes you appreciate how lucky you are.
Fairy, bless her has a very valuable gift. She can talk about very personal things on her blog and it remains very entertaining. There is something that I want to talk about but I can't find the words just yet. Maybe in time.