
Thursday, April 27, 2006

Weird things

Two of my friends are going away for a year.

I am sad about this because it will change my social life. But I am happy that they are going because it will be fun for them.

As seems to be the fashion these days they have got a "Travel Blog" which is all very well but for some reason they have put a picture of me on there. In fact I am the first thing one sees when one goes there. I have not yet been given an adequate explanation for this but it freaks me out.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It's the end of the world as I know it!

But sadly I don't feel fine. I feel this sense of impending doom. Like the world is going to end at the end of the month.

The reasons;

1) Weather - Yesterday I woke up and there was snow outside. Its April! I mean, what on earth is going on. This week, last year was so lovely and balmy and the weather made up for all manner of other horrendous things that were going on at the time,

2) Work - I have been here a year today! That needn't necessarily herald the apocalypse but its a nice round figure and I think nice round figures encourage change. A year? That's a long time! Too long.

3) There is a person. That's all I can say on that subject but this person is preventing me from being the calm and collected person I am underneath. And I don't know what to do.

4) My tarot was bad.

Please someone provide me with solace!

Friday, April 07, 2006


Name a trait you share with your parents or your children.
Depends who you speak to. According to my Mother I share my Dad's arrogance and self-obsession and according to my Dad I am moody like my mother.
Personnally I think that is pretty accurate.

List 3 qualities of a good leader, in your opinion.
Empathy, consistency, and respect.

Who is your favorite television chef?
Gordon Ramsey.He is fab and the type of bloke who should be held up as a modern hero.

Main Course
Share a story about a gift you received from someone you love.
Ah. A little pebble from a beach. I can't remember why or when but I remember him giving it to me in a really sweet way.

How do you react under pressure?
I work best under pressure. But not too much because I tend to go mad with too much. So if there is just enough pressure then I do well but if there is too muich then I go barmy.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hitting the Wall

Earlier today, Shining Wit said to me that he had "hit the wall". I said that, despite being very close to the wall, actual contact was yet to occur. The Shining one however, had made a big hole in it.

The reason for this is that it has been a busy week. I will not go into this because it is more dull than you could ever possibly imagine. Sufficed to say that it feels like The Wit, Woodie and I have been fighting an immense war and we are losing and, even if we do win we'll get no credit for it anyway.

As a result of this situation I am unable to write anything else.

Here are some things that I am unable to write about;

- The Apprentice and how I love it.
- Unexpected visitors
- Losing something and not quite knowing what it is.
- Roast dinner without meat (butternut sqaush though - yum)
- The Dancin Fairy and her none attendance at lunch (anybody would think she was in love.)

My Blood Sugar today was 5.8.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


After some tackage from the Fairie here are some answers to some questions.

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Getting ready for my GCSE's. I was incredibly loved up but didn't have the courage to own up to it which was just as well as it turned out because I doubt me and him would be as good friends now if I had. All I remember about 1996 is the sunshine. It was the last summer before we started going clubbing as a group of friends so there was a lot of house parties and drinking cider. I suppose it was a happy time.

What were you doing 5 years ago?

March 2001. Well I came out to my family which was a massive deal at the time but by Easter I realised that nothing had really changed at all which was good. I was menat to be doing a dissertation and revising for my finals at Uni but I went up North for a month and went out a lot. That was a carefree time too - no men on the scene.

What were you doing 1 year ago?

Well, last year I was just about to leave my previous job and come to this one. I wasn't getting on well with my best friend and we were hardly speaking (nowt changes). Lived somewhere that I wasn't happy in and my family was just coming to terms with terminal illness. So a lot is better now.

5 Snacks you enjoy:

Chilli Crisps
Cheese Scones

5 Songs (you think) you know by heart:

I will Survive - Gloria Gaynor (it’s the gay law)
Stand By Your Man by Tammy Wynette
Cowsong by Kate Rusby
Goodbye My Lover by James Blunt ("Did I diasssapoit you, or let you down?")
Tragedy by Steps (again obligatory)

5 things you would do with a LOT of money:

Learn to play golf properly
Buy property
Buy a horse (racehorse)
Buy cars (environmentally friendly or a BMW X5)

5 Things you would never wear:

A mini Skirt
A beret

5 Things you should have never worn:

My Neo jacket.
Denim shirts
Shell suits
NHS specs

5 Things you enjoy doing:

Choosing books
The cinema
Drinking at my local pub
Bitching (sad but true)

5 Bad Habits you have:

Smoning without guilt. regret or concern
Obsessing over a particular person
Sleeping in
Comfort eating