
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Lessons in Life

Number 1; Don't blog when drunk.


So tonight I have bitten a bullet.

I'm not a vindictive person and I am the last person to hold a grudge. But its becoming more and more apparent to me that people screw you over in life. And how do you react when someone wrongs you? Well you either let it form a chip on your shoulder, you forgive and let them walk all over you and do it again, or you forget - pretend they don't exist. And sometimes you combine the three.

Well tonight I reached that forgetting stage with my only ever real grudge. This particular person wronged me many times, offended me, upset me and those around me in an unforgiveble way and I havn't seen her for 11 months until tonight.

I was so nervouse when I walked into the pub. My hands were shaking and I didn't know where to look which shows me I don't do this sort of thing easily. My instinct was to guffaw and ask her how she was but instead I politely ignored her. And I think it worked. I couldn't stay long but I got through it.

And now I'm just a little proud of myself.


Tomorrow the Becster is coming to visit. And who knows what will happen. She is keen to try Line Dancing which is great and I have some friends I want her to meet. But other than that Brighton and Hove is our oyster. And who knows what will happen?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The onset of winter

Its cold out there. Winter is here for definite. But I'm not sure whether I have my traditional "full of regret" attitude towards it. Its kind of cosy, ain't it.

The wedding in Essex was fantastic. Can more people I know get married, please. I like weddings. I'd just prefer if they were nearer.

I've had some time off this week for no other reason than the fact that I have to take holiday or else I will lose it. And it has been cheap and fun. The best way. And it ain't over either.

I am a little drunk. This is the first drunken blog I have done and rather than ranting about all sorts of shit, I am opting for concise comments. So here's my life today;

Work is dissatisfying.

I'm very opinated and have many extreme views (anti-religion, anti-marriage etc)

Many worries over family health especailly after this weekend.

But generally its ok.

Long may it remain.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Menial things

I want to blog some stuff.

Tomorrow (Sunday) I have to travel to Essex to a wedding. This will be nice because
it will be the first of my Uni friends to get married. BUT I will have to travel for 4 hours each way to get there. This will make me angry because it will largely be due to engineering works. How INFURIATING!

This is a Saturday night post but I am treacherously sobre. This is because I have stayed in tonight. This is because I was meant to be going to the cinema but I was let down by someone. I don't know why he let me down - perhaps it was born out of misunderstanding - but I feel let down anyway. Especially because I really want to see this film and because I know this person will love it as much me, and I would've liked to see it with him. But the best laid plans...

I don't particularly like a certain online shopping company and the Royal Mail. Mainly because I bought something exciting from this site and they sent it vis the Royal Mail but my letter box is too small for them to post it and they won't let me pick it up from their depot. Heaven knows if I will ever get it.

If anyone knows a handy trick for charging a mobile phone without using a charger I would appreciate them letting me know. Getting in touch with me might be a little difficult because my phone is out of battery.

I love Strictly Come Dancing. My favourite is Carol Smylie although that might have more to do with Matthew Cutler who is her partner. He is the campest man alive but is married to his pro dancing partner Nicole (bloody typical).

Finally I have just been introduced to the finer points of MySpace and would like to draw your attention to these two sites.
The first is the York based band Cardboard Radio. I have seen them play and they are very good. Their lead singer has real charisma.
The second is a Leeds based band called Grammatics and although I am yet to see them, I love the tune they have on Myspace. I particularly like the look of the cellist. So check it and recommend me more of these Myspace thingys.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Troublesome little mice

Did you ever hear of a mouse that had a battery in it? I didn't and thus my surprise was immense when the cursor on the screen stopped working due to lack of battery power. So now I have searched the house high and low and finally found some. Grrrrrr.

I am contemplating running on the seafront. A minute ago the rain was pouring down and now it is sunny. So I don't know what to wear and how far to go.

Let's go blogging mental!

So this, here, is what I would be like if I had my own computer that worked (and didn't just sit under my bed taking up space). I have access to the fab world of blogging whilst not being at work over the next week so lets see if I can come up with anything good.

A word about Extras. I know this series has lost its way a bit lately and certainly lost some of its popularity (eg Anna) but I'd look at it this way. This series has been like an old friend who you havn't seen for a while and has started taking himself too seriously. You still occasionally get glimpses of why you liked him but mostly you don't quite get him.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Contemplating the future

It has been a while but now I am back and I predict a golden age of blogging in Thoughts of Mouldy over the next 10 days. Watch this space. I'm also planning an alternative blog which has a more philosophical nature. So again which this space for details.

But as for the past;
Last week was filled with free fun:
Monday - a free tour of Harveys Brewery in Lewes. It plays an important part in the town's local culture, does Harveys, and so it was great to get inside and get a feel for what actually goes on. And brewing beer can be interesting, who knew? I think what made the tour so much fun was the enthusiasm of the guide. It must be great to have a job that you can really put your heart and soul into.
Tuesday - Down to the Corn Exchange in Brighton for a free comedy night called Comedy Blue. Now, I didn't really twig at first that Blue in a comedy sense meant filthy ("Bit of blue for't Dads") and so just expected some nice comedy. But they tried to be as shocking as they could and no word was off limits. Actually, they couldn't say m*ther fucker but I didn't mind that so much. It was good but I realised that I am very hard to shock and that I don't find homphobia funny. But then I've heard it said many times that gay people have a great sense of humour except when it comes to their own sexuality. Anyway, this was a really good night and the weirdest thing is that it will be on TV. So if you have the Paramount Comedy channel, keep your eyes peeled for me.
Wednesday; A highlight in the already fabulous week. Imogen Heap at the Dome with the Fairy. Now I knew that I liked the songs I'd heard but I didn't know all her work and it was really really good. It was pure talent mixed in with some real innovation. Brilliant. Makes me want to see more and more gigs.

By Thursday I was exhausted.


There is a downside. My McJob is proving more and more frustrating. I think it has come down to a simple decision; tow the line or get out. What will I do? Suggestions welcome!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Check this out

Check it xxx

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stirring things up.

Check out the following and leave opinions if you like;

Paul's interesting opinions on merchandising.

Anna on Extras.

And Yasmin Alibi-Brown on the veil debate.
